Gaskets and Gasket Kits
All of the items are in stock but quantities are subject to verification.  The selling price for any kit is $5.00. If you want all of the kits I will sell the whole page for $22.00.   This page last updated 6/6/04. E-mail me with your order.
Part number                Description            Old Selling Price    Quantity
043-VG567               GSK KT TOP HON MT250           6.95              1.00
043-VG582               GSK TOP HON ATC250             7.95              1.00
043-VG751               GSK TOP SUZ TS185              7.95              1.00
043-VG765               GSK TOP TS250 78-81            6.95              1.00
043-VG768               GSK TOP SUZ TS185              7.95              1.00