An innovative, community project...

    > Broaden responsibility to conserve, promote and make accessible varied, educational resources.
    > Create a network of community resource sites sustained by volunteer teams to complement the mission and libraries of congregations, the county, public agencies and the university.
    > Build on the strengths and interests of pastors,  congregations, and others in serving the greater community as a cooperative consortium for adult learning.
   > Provide an ecumenical platform for interfaith dialogue to build relationships across denomination, sectarian, or partisan lines, and to share best practices for community learning and action.
VOLUNTEERS... a variety of help is needed: Sort books. Check them on inventory lists. Design promotional material. Upload info to www.librarything.com. Be a site host.
READERS... unless you borrow resources this sharing system remains a dormant dream.
EDUCATORS... design learning events for your church or in the community. Borrow multiple resources as needed.
Each Works! site requires physical SPACE for a Private Collection of resources; and a TEAM of collection stewards, who invite others to make Personal Connections and share a Passionate Concern. To check out our online catalogues being developed: simply go to www.LibraryThing.com homepage, do a site SEARCH under "members and locations" for names starting with “PC-“  (ignore 1st two.)

How PC-Works Works

How Does PC-Works Work?

A sponsor (individual, church, business or agency) offers space for resources with a particular focus.

Volunteers become familiar with starter collection(s) from the Deanery Library, shelve and maintain them. 

Database maintenance includes uploading ISBN number or title of books to online catalogue at www.LibraryThing.com. Upload data on any computer with internet access.

Open hours for on-site browsing (in addition to 24/7 online) determined by site staff and volunteers. Multiple resources may be borrowed to make available at other learning sites.

A congregational or ecumenical team for each collection promotes its growth and creative use, such as reading and study groups, discussions, debates, seminars, courses, inter-generational learning festivals, and public conversations. 

A steering committee of sponsors cooperate to promote and develop the network system, PC-Works. Grant writing, donations and special events will help sustain the project for long-term viability.
More Site Sponsors Needed... Some collections (listed with black font) have no sponsor identified. These resources remain in storage until someone steps forward to give them a home. Do you have space and shelving to offer?
Click HERE to see 10,000 acquisitions since 2009 needing shelf space and sponsors.
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