Tiger Cubs Whip Up Pancakes at
Rudolph Fire Department
Thanks to the Rudolph Fire Dept for letting our Tiger Cubs use their facility for a great
session on a March Saturday morning. The Tigers mixed their own pancake batter, then
cooked and enjoyed the fruits of their labor.
When they were done, they even learned how to clean a kitchen! We split the Den into
two groups that morning....while one crew cooked, the other group of boys were given a
thorough tour of the Fire House and the fire engines and apparatus, etc. Special
thanks to Firefighter Jerrry Rybicki for the great tour! The boys also learned about the
Food Pyramid and the importance of a healthy diet.
Firefighter Rybicki said he was glad he didn't have to demonstrate his fire fighting
skills when the boys were in kitchen!
Another highlight of their morning at the Fire House was setting a new Rudolph community
relay record....their 6 man 1st Grade relay team ran around the Fire House 6 times in just
5 minutes 2 seconds.
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Last Revised:03/21/02