Schedule of Coming Events
In the Rudolph Area, Pack 114
 | Tiger Cubs: Contact Scott Blanke |
 | Wolf Den Meetings: Contact
Scott Rybicki |
 | Bear Den Meetings: Contact
Lissa Rybicki |
 | Webelo Den Meetings: Contact
Lyle Holtz / Tim Saavedra
Some of our Pack events: |
 | Scouting For Food: Bag Dropoff Day April 6, 2002
9:00am at Lions Park |
 | Scouting For Food: Bag PICKUP Day April 13, 2002
Start route at 9:00am |
 | Graduation: April 20 2002 Rudolph
Park - 4pm |
 | Memorial Day March & Memorial Service: Sunday,
May 26, 2002 Meet at 10:45am Legion Hall |
 | June Family Picnic: June ___ to be
decided |
 | July Street Dance Fund Raiser @ Fire Dept, Friday
night, July____ |
 | Summer Camps typically
in July/August at Rhinelander, Akela's World |
 | Roller Skating: Sept Skate City Wisc Rapids PACK event for
families |
 | Bowling event: October/November PACK event for
families |
 | Popcorn Sales: October/November |
 | Fall Camporee, for all Webelo age scouts in district: Oct |
 | Haunted House: October ShopKo Plaza Mall |
 | Father Son Cake Bake: has been in October in past
years |
 | Talent Show & Skit Night: Nov |
 | Christmas Caroling: December at St Philips |
 | Hockey Game: UW St.Point January |
 | Sledding / tubing at Powers Bluff: January |
 | Scout Sunday: 1st
Sunday in February |
 | Pinewood Derby: 1st Sunday in February |
 | BLUE GOLD Banquet: Last Sunday in February |
 | First Aid Meet - Webelos Only - competition in First Aid
skills - with Boy Scout Troop 114 - March 9 |
 | Swim Party at Lincoln High School March 14, 2002 6:30pm For all scouts and their families |
 | Winter Outing Camping - Webelos only, with Boy
Scout Troop 114 - March 16, 17 |
 | Spring Outing, District - weekend of May 2 - Webelos only |