Community Happenings
From Rudolph, Wisconsin


Info from
Cub Scout
Pack 114:

Pancake Cooks 2002 ak
Karate Class
Duck Houses
New Year '98
Adult Leaders
Maple Syrup Outing
Upcoming Events
SSplash Party '01
Akela World Wolf   Attack 1998

Cub Scout
Pack 114 Newsletter


Making Maple Syrup

Webelo Den learned the secrets of making maple syrup from John Kozicki, March 99.   The outing included tapping maple trees, boiling the sap down and sampling the finished product! 

The boys also toured the Consolidated Papers property that is host to our Wood Duck Houses.  2 out 11 houses checked had signs of successful hatches from 1998.


click on a picture to enlarge

duckhouse4.jpg (38401 bytes) syrupdemo4.jpg (27165 bytes) syrupdemo2.jpg (48090 bytes) Dave_Ben_eating.jpg (40097 bytes) Syrupsampling.jpg (50602 bytes)